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In your heart lies the universe – “Aham Brahmasmi” : I am divine.

IDHAYA means ‘Heart’ – The core, the substance, the vitality, the very being of anything. ‘Heart’ is a very enigmatic word with varied connotations. There is a heart which doctors operate upon and which physicians transplant, there is a heart which is deeply hurt when a person is insulted or is elated when a person is praised, and there is a heart wherein resides the centrality of the universe.

At IDHAYA, we endeavour to connect you to your beautiful core – the one which is buried under years of mental programming and shrouded by beliefs that may not be serving you any longer. We help you break these detrimental patterns and work on your mind as well as body to uncover the truly beautiful life that you deserve.

How We Do It?

While pain is a great teacher, we at Idhaya believe that learning life’s lessons can be a graceful process too – without inviting any unnecessary drama or traumas in our lives. We therefore guide you and empower you to embrace a conscious lifestyle – where you live everyday of your life with self-awareness and in complete cognizance of the impact of your thoughts, actions and emotions.

Our physical, mental and emotional bodies are deeply connected, and their communication reflects in the various physical, mental and emotional experiences we encounter in life. Our services therefore include a balanced mix of techniques working on all these aspects to ensure a holistic experience and comprehensive issue resolution.

Our tools that are scientifically proven and carry the wisdom of ancient practices, help you understand your deep-rooted patterns and empower you to turn around your life in the direction that you desire and choose.

We can help with the following through our wellness & therapy solutions

About Niati

About Niati

Engineer, Management Professional, Cancer Warrior, Holistic Wellness Therapist, Corporate Trainer, Hypnotherapist, Sound Healer, Hypnobirthing childbirth educator – words seldom used in a single sentence to describe a person. Niati, however, is all this and much more.

Niati V Mariiyya is an internationally certified Holistic Wellness Therapist/ Trainer with more than a decade of experience in the field of mind-body health.An engineer and MBA by qualification, her tryst with Cancer brought her into the field of healing and once she defeated it, she empowered herself with various techniques including Hypnotherapy, ThetaHealing® , Neuro Linguistic Programming(NLP), Sound Healing ,Ayurveda and many more, to successfully assist people overcome various physical, relationship, social, financial or emotional troubles.

She is a certified Hypnobirthing ® Childbirth Educator and is passionate about creating a wonderful world for parents and children; a world where they do not just survive but thrive. She works with parents and children using multi-layered communication tools, to help them enhance their connection with each other starting right from the time the child is in the womb.

One of the perils of human lives is the doom of stress and anxiety; many spend a lifetime in fear and desperation. In her long journey as a Therapist and Motivational Speaker, she has worked with multiple Corporates and has touched the lives of several people nurturing the belief in a better future.

A firm believer of the thought ‘Life is beautiful’, Niati endeavours to reconnect everyone with the beauty in their life and enjoy it to the fullest because that is how it’s meant to be!!

Her work includes workshops, seminars, practice groups and personalized sessions, designed for audiences ranging from corporate executives, entrepreneurs, students and as Niati believes “for anyone who is committed to making his/her life better”.

Qualification & Certifications

Her Journey

A young enthusiastic woman of 26, beginning her journey in the corporate world, intuitively knew something wasn’t right when the lump in the throat, diagnosed as tonsillitis, refused to go away even after multiple rounds of antibiotics. Multiple tests and scans later she was given her diagnosis – Hodgkins Lymphoma. Unable to understand the medical terminology, she resorted to internet search to find ‘Cancer of Lymphatic System’. Everything seemed to blur with only the word Cancer looking at her in the eye. From here started Niati’s transformational journey…a journey that was a roller coaster with more downs than ups.

It started with denial – more of the treatment than the disease. In Niati’s words –“ more than being scared that Cancer would harm me, I was afraid that chemotherapy would ruin me for sure”. For good 4 months she ran from pillar to post hoping to find a way to dodge chemotherapy. All this while the cancerous cells were also having a race within themselves to be the peak performer. Before she knew, the cancer had progressed to Stage 4. Her gamble had backfired and she now had to face her fear – Chemotherapy was the only available choice ahead of her.

The treatment by itself wasn’t easy, she was in pain, struggling with grief, the side effects of losing hair, missing her chance to build a career, most importantly her youth was waning in front of her eyes. It was a nightmare she had woken up to. But once you open your eyes, the nightmare has to end. Niati experienced the same. One day she got in touch with a therapist, begging her to save her from Chemotherapy at any cost and the therapist replied – “ chemotherapy is something you have to get done. If you are getting it done with so much fear and hatred, it may not even work for you. Would you want that?” This statement was her eye opener…she had never thought about this, she was so busy running away from the treatment that options at the end never crossed her mind. This shifted something within her and she told herself – ‘ if I have to go through it, let me ensure that its worth it. I am giving chemo no other option but to heal me”.

Letting go of the fear created space in her life for personal growth. While the treatment worked on her physical body, she simultaneously started working on her mental and emotional bodies – peeling off layers of self-sabotaging beliefs, stored trauma and unexpressed emotions. It was not easy, some days her body would weaken and other days the mind. Surrounded by her loved ones, she kept treading on the path of recovery – one step at a time. Once she recovered, she armed herself with comprehensive knowledge and tools of mind-body healing and embraced them as integral part of her life. Nurturing a healthy mind, body and soul became a non-negotiable part of her being and with Idhaya she presents these tools for you to embrace too – with love and gratitude!

Contact Us

To know more about us and our work, reach out to us.