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What a beautiful thing it is to say..”I fell apart and I survived”.

My life was broken into pieces when I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Cancer in my late twenties. For the longest time I was in a state of shock and denial and that gave the cancer enough food to rapidly multiply and consume my life.

Then came a point in my life where I realised that I did not want to die without truly living my life! As I made a conscious decision to embrace life in its true magnificence, unseen doors started opening around me. I delved deep into the power of mind to untangle the cobwebs of my life and the physical reality around me started responding with amazing results.

Today, after successfully overcoming the life-threatening disease, I have armed myself with numerous tools for overcoming the muddles and enjoying life to the fullest – in all its glory. I am writing to you, to let you know that life is a beautiful journey to be relished at every step.

However knowingly or unknowingly we end up complicating it with the numerous detrimental beliefs that we pick up on the way. But understand that what has been picked up can also be released. Our mind is an eternally powerful tool and when used wisely, it can help us clean up the chaos and transform our life.

So whatever point in your life you may be at – things falling apart or things going fine – know that you have the power to steer your life in whatever direction you choose to. It all begins with knowing that “It can be another way.” That no matter what is happening in your life, no matter what you think will happen, there can be another way. The direction you appear to be headed in, can be altered. Nothing is set in concrete. I invite you on this journey of exploring your power and re-writing your life. I am here to assist you at every step that you take towards the life of your dreams.

I am always rooting for you!

Lots of love,

Niati V Mariiyya

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