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“Childhood is the one story that stands by itself in every soul.”

Do you know? The early days of a child’s life are critical to their overall development.

Neuroscience offers compelling evidence that while genes provide the blueprint for the brain, it is a child’s environment that shapes emotional development. We are all products of our childhood. Parents have a critical role in shaping the right environment for their children especially in in the first few years of life, that establish their capacity to learn, adapt to change and develop psychological resilience.

Ask any parent and they will tell you what a huge responsibility it is to raise a child. Taking care of the child’s health needs and putting him or her in the right school does not complete the job. Effective parenting entails holistic development of the child, which is not an easy task. With the impact of changing times on children, parents of today encounter new challenges, leaving them in a fix about ways to cope with them.

What do you do when you need to acquire a new role? You seek information and guidance on the same!

Same holds true for your parenting journey. Being a parent is assuming a crucial role and parenting is an extremely important skill.

Through our parenting programs, we are here to join hands with you and partner with you through the parenting journey. In this program we focus on what is known as ‘conscious parenting’ which caters to mental, physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of parenting.

This program is not about ‘teaching’ you how to parent your child, its about empowering you with information and practical techniques that help you understand the behaviour of your child and the things that impact him or her.

This parenting program consciously steers clear of prescriptive solutions to parenting. Our efforts are dedicated towards empowering parents and help them connect with children and learn from them. Most of our parenting methods stem from fear and paranoia, which we project on to our children. We help parents recognise these patterns so that they can empower their children in turn. That’s where the spiritual dimension comes in.

Our parenting programs cover


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Struggling with parenting woes or feeling the pressure of being the ‘perfect parent’? We can help!